The Perfect Start!

I’ve been on the fence about what the first “real” blog post should be about.  I didn’t want to be preachy or too narrow.  I wanted something motivating and inspiring, yet also something that clearly demonstrated how positive affirmations truly can make a difference in your life.  I’ve been working on it, off and on, debating.  And today…I knew I found the “one”, the perfect starting article to share with you!
I love this story!  I love the confidence and belief in herself.  And, of course, her moment of positive self-talk and the confession that she does this often. 

As I was reading the article, this particular thought is exactly the kind of thinking Positive Mind Company is about and what we want for everyone….

He thought I was living in the present, a college kid desperate for someone to pat me on the back, but I'd already made a home in the future. I already knew, without a shadow of a doubt, who I could be and what I could do a few years down the road.”   

What’s so inspiring about this story and why I felt it was perfect is that she talks about not giving in to the low offer because she knew what she was going to be and what she could do, in the future.  She had probably visualized it in her mind, a million times and told herself (self-talk) it would be her reality, a million times.  She was acting on her confidence and making decisions based on it. She was not acting on the present, but the future. How amazing is that? To be so focused and certain, you make life decisions based on where you are going to be, not where you are.

These are the stories that I want to look for and that I love.  They so perfectly demonstrate the power of positive affirmations and how far you can go when you simply convince yourself, you can.